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Preparation and filtration for SVP

For the low quantity and rich varieties of SVP products, strong flexibility should be considered in selection of preparation tank. In the mean time, the batch size should be according to the GMP requirement. Normally, 0.3T concentration tank matches 0.6T dilution tank, or 0.3T concentration tank matches one 0.5T and another 1.5T dilution tank. In this way, the system can satisfy 0.2-20 liter products.
There must be pre-filter to remove the pyrogen-adhering active carbon in the titanic filtering system.
Pre-filtration in dilution system is for particle-removing and prolonging the final bacterial-removing filter's life.
Final filtration is for bio-burden decreasing or bacteria-removing before final sterilizing.
Pre-filter is for colloid/particle removing and prolonging final filter's life. Pre-filter in normal injection should be added with recycle flow. Special heat-hating injections must be added bacteria-removing filter for aseptic packing.
Pre-filter for bio-burden decreasing
Final-filter for bacteria-removing
Breathing filter for bacteria and virus removing

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